Shuttle goNews 一款值得推荐的WordPress主题
WordPress主题信息 | |
主题名称 | Shuttle goNews |
主题作者 | shuttlethemes |
主题版本 | 1.0.0 |
更新时间 | 2019-08-13 |
下载地址 | 点此下载 |
主题标签 | 博客,自定义背景,自定义页眉,自定义菜单,电子商务,编辑器样式,精选图片页眉,精选图片,灵活页眉,页脚小部件,全宽模板,网格布局,左侧边栏,一栏,公文包,帖子格式,右侧边栏,RTL语言支持,粘滞帖子,主题选项,线程评论,三栏,翻译就绪,两栏 |
Shuttle goNews是Shuttle Pro令人敬畏的免费版本。这对专业人士来说真的很好。如果你想做生意,无论大小,这个主题都对你有好处。因此,如果它是一个餐厅,体育,医疗,创业,公司,商业,电子商务,投资组合,自由职业者或任何类型的在线机构或公司,你会想要使用这个很酷的设计。它有一个多用途的设计与窗口小部件区域的页脚,所以现在甚至很容易使博客/新闻网站,看起来真的很干净和专业。主题是响应性的,WPML,Polylang,Retina就绪,SEO友好,是一个超级设计。穿梭速度快,重量轻,可以用于任何类型的网站,完全兼容像WooCommerce和JigoShop这样的电子商务插件。无论你是为你自己,你的企业还是自由职业者为你的客户建立网站,Shuttle都是完美的选择。加上IF与所有主要的页面构建器,如Elementor,Beaver Builder,Visual Composer,Divi,SiteOrigin等等一起工作!
Shuttle goNews is the awesome free version of Shuttle Pro. It is really good for professionals. If you want to make a business, for big or small this theme is good for you. So if it is a restaurant, sport, medical, startup, corporate, business, ecommerce, portfolio, freelancers or any type of online agency or firm you will want to use this cool design. It had a multi-purpose design with widget areas in footer, so now even easy to make blog / news website which looks really clean and professional. The theme is responsive, WPML, Polylang, Retina ready, SEO friendly, and is a super design. Shuttle is fast and lightweight and can be used for any type of website, fully compatible with eCommerce plugins like WooCommerce an JigoShop. Whether you are building a website for yourself, your business or are a freelancer building websites for your cliente, Shuttle is the perfect choice. Plus if works with all the major page builders such as Elementor, Beaver Builder, Visual Composer, Divi, SiteOrigin and so much more!