Blogger Stories主题 1.1 版发布
WordPress主题信息 | |
主题名称 | Blogger Stories |
主题作者 | SuperbThemes |
主题版本 | 1.1 |
更新时间 | 2022-11-27 |
下载地址 | 点此下载 |
主题标签 | 博客,伙伴出版社,自定义背景,自定义颜色,自定义页眉,自定义徽标,自定义菜单,电子商务,特色图像页眉,灵活页眉,页脚小部件,全宽模板,新闻,一栏,右侧栏,贴纸,主题选项,串接评论,三栏,翻译就绪,两栏 |
Bloger Stories是WordPress的个人博客、有影响力的人和报纸主题。该主题优雅而简约的外观使其成为旨在拥有一个用户友好和现代网站的博客作者和作家的一个有吸引力的选择。它的设计适合于任何类型的利基市场,但它的设计特别针对:食物、生活方式、时尚、旅游和评论网站。该主题是快速和完全搜索引擎优化(SEO友好),这是完美的,如果你想通过会员计划或谷歌广告感觉您的网站货币化。它完美地作为一个摄影作品,电子商务商店或商业网站,以及。主题是初学者友好的,很容易上手。你可以在Facebook、Twitter、TikTok、Instagram、LinkedIn、Twitch或任何其他平台的标题中添加你的社交媒体链接。它带有大量的定制功能,可与Elementor、Beaver Builder、Brizy、WooCommerce、Contact Form7、VisualComposer、SiteOrigin和Divi等流行插件配合使用。Bloger Stories完全兼容GDPR。无论你是在创建一个个人极简主义博客,还是一个有影响力的大品牌,这个主题都能奏效。博主故事是博主、内容创作者和明日参赛者的完美主题。
Blogger Stories is a responsive WordPress personal blog, influencer and newspaper theme for WordPress. The theme's elegant and minimalistic look makes it an attractive choice for bloggers and writers who aim to have a user-friendly and modern website. It's created to work well with any sort of niche but has designs particular for: food, lifestyle, fashion, travel, and review websites. The theme is fast and fully search engine optimized (SEO friendly) which is perfect if you want to monetize your website through affiliate programs or Google AdSense. It works perfectly as a photography portfolio, eCommerce shop or business website as well. The theme is beginner friendly and easy to get started with. You can add your Social Media links in the header for Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitch or any other SoMe Platform. It comes with a lot of customization and works with popular plugins such as Elementor, Beaver Builder, Brizy, WooCommerce, Contact Form 7, Visual Composer, SiteOrigin and Divi. Blogger Stories is fully GDPR compliant. Whether you're creating a personal minimalist blog or a big influencer brand this theme works. Blogger Stories is a perfect theme for bloggers, content creators and Creators Of Tomorrow contestants.