WordPress主题:Fota Speakers
WordPress主题信息 | |
主题名称 | Fota Speakers |
主题作者 | CozyThemes |
主题版本 | 1.0.0 |
更新时间 | 2023-09-13 |
下载地址 | 点此下载 |
主题标签 | 块编辑器图案,块编辑器样式,博客,自定义背景,自定义颜色,自定义徽标,自定义菜单,电子商务,编辑器样式,特色图像,全站点编辑,全宽模板,一栏,RTL语言支持,串接注释,翻译就绪,宽块 |
介绍FOTA演讲者,FotaWP的儿童主题和现代WordPress主题,面向公共演讲者、社交媒体影响者、营销人员和试图通过美丽的网站展示其订阅源和技能的个人。提高您的参与率并将您的内容呈现给您的追随者,将您的社交媒体影响力提升到无与伦比的高度。与主题兼容的全站编辑(FSE),FOTA扬声器使您能够建立一个网站,不仅是您的着迷,也是您的观众。FOTA Speaker还集成了你最喜欢的页面生成器Elementor,并可以很容易地与现代插件配对,给你更多的定制能力。使用FOTA演讲者重新定义您的社交媒体影响力,在更深的层面上与您的受众建立联系,并培养忠诚的追随者社区。欲了解更多信息,请访问:www.cozyhemes.com/foa-Speaker/。
Introducing Fota Speakers, a child theme of FotaWP and a modern WordPress theme for public speakers, social media influencers, marketers, and individuals trying to showcase their feeds and skills through a beautiful website. Increase your engagement rate and present your content to your followers, taking your social media presence to unmatched heights. With the theme being compatible with full-site editing (FSE), Fota Speakers enables you to build a website that is not only captivating to you but also to your audience. Fota Speaker is also integrated with your favorite page builder, Elementor, and can easily be paired up with modern plugins, giving you more power for customization. Redefine your social media influence with Fota Speakers, connect with your audience on a deeper level, and foster a community of loyal followers. Learn more at: www.cozythemes.com/fota-speakers/.