WordPress主题信息 | |
主题名称 | Gogo |
主题作者 | ThemeHunk |
主题版本 | 1.0.0 |
更新时间 | 2019-03-09 |
下载地址 | 点此下载 |
主题标签 | 自定义颜色、自定义页眉、自定义徽标、自定义菜单、编辑器样式、特色图像、灵活的页眉、页脚小部件、单列、发布格式、右侧边栏、RTL语言支持、粘滞发布、主题选项、串连注释、翻译就绪、两列 |
Gogo是一个惊人的多用途主题与最新的设计。主题加载了多个部分,这些部分足以创建一个具有免费版本的完整业务站点。主题是最适合代理,小企业,投资组合,公司和电子商务网站。它包括以下几个部分,如-#幻灯片部分与打字机#服务#WooCommerce#行动号召#关于我们#组合#团队#定价#客户&和;推荐信#VideoRibbon#联系我们和#社交媒体。您可以隐藏任何未使用的特定部分。也可以将这些剖面列用作滑块。获得对主页布局设置的完全控制,如(填充、编号、不编号、区段的中心对齐、盒装和加宽容器)。它有五个页眉布局&和八个页脚布局。在它们中,您将获得添加上/下页眉和页脚区域,以及一个、两个和三个布局列的组合。您可以顺利地自定义页眉,页脚,容器和边栏为每个页面/帖子。Theme具有对POST和WooCommerce的完全控制。主题与WooCommerce和Lead Form Builder集成。它与几乎所有著名的WordPress插件兼容。您可以使用您最喜欢的页面生成器(如:Elementor、Visual Composer、Beaver Builder、SiteSource、Divi、Brizy等)。演示:https:/temehunk.com/gogo-惊人-WordPress-Theme/
Gogo is an amazing multipurpose theme with latest design. Theme is loaded with multiple sections that are enough to create a complete business site with free version. Theme is best suitable for Agency, small businesses, portfolio, firm, corporate and eCommerce sites. It contains following sections like - #Slider section with typewriter #Services #WooCommerce #Call to action #About us #Portfolio #Team #Pricing #Clients & Testimonials #VideoRibbon #Contact Us and #Social media. You can hide any particular section that you're not using. You can also use these section columns as a Slider. Get full control over homepage layout settings like (padding, numbering, without numbering, Center Alignment of section, Boxed & Wide container). It has Five header layout & Eight footer layouts. In them you'll get add Above / Below header and footer area with one, two and three layout column combination. You can smoothly customize Header, Footer, Container and Sidebar for each page / post. Theme comes with full control over post and WooCommerce. Theme is integrated with WooCommerce and Lead Form Builder. It is compatible with nearly all famous WordPress plugins. You can use your favorite page builder (Like : Elementor, Visual Composer, Beaver Builder, SiteOrigin, Divi, Brizy etc ). Demo: https://themehunk.com/gogo-amazing-wordpress-theme/