Fashion Diva 一款值得推荐的WordPress主题
WordPress主题信息 | |
主题名称 | Fashion Diva |
主题作者 | Blossom Themes |
主题版本 | 1.0.0 |
更新时间 | 2019-05-09 |
下载地址 | 点此下载 |
主题标签 | 博客、自定义背景、自定义标题、自定义徽标、自定义菜单、电子商务、特色图像、页脚小部件、全宽模板、左边栏、一栏、摄影、右边栏、RTL语言支持、主题选项、串连注释、翻译就绪、两栏 |
时尚天后是BlossomFashionFree WordPress主题中的一个儿童主题。您可以创建一个具有此主题的视觉吸引力和惊人的女性时尚博客,而无需编写一行代码。你可以很容易地分享你的时尚收藏和生活方式的想法,有吸引力地使用这个主题。这是一个完全响应和移动友好的主题,确保您的网站正确显示在每个设备和屏幕大小。主题是速度优化,为您的访问者提供一个平稳的浏览体验,同时访问您的网站。此外,它与Schema.org标记一起进行了超级SEO优化,以帮助您的网站在搜索引擎结果中排名更高。主题是社交媒体准备好了。你可以在主页上炫耀你的Instagram个人资料。该主题还具有内置选项,可集成Facebook、Snapchat、Twitter、Instagram、Pinterest和其他主要社交平台。FashionDiva提供了20个定制的小部件,这些小部件可以帮助您自己增加网站的功能,而不需要编写任何一行代码。此外,该主题与WooCommerce插件完全兼容-您可以使用该主题创建您的在线商店。此外,该主题是跨浏览器兼容,翻译就绪,并支持RTL脚本。如果您遇到任何问题或需要指导,FashionDiva将与快速友好的支持团队一起提供广泛的文档支持。查看演示文件:https:/,阅读文档:https:/,并获得支持:https:/
Fashion Diva is a child theme of Blossom Fashion Free WordPress theme. You can create a visually appealing and stunning feminine fashion blog with this theme without writing a single line of code. You can easily share your fashion collections and lifestyle ideas attractively using this theme. It is a fully responsive and mobile-friendly theme which ensures your website displays correctly on every device and screen sizes. The theme is speed optimized to provide your visitors with a smooth browsing experience while visiting your website. Furthermore, it is ultra SEO optimized along with markup ready to help your website rank higher in search engine results. The theme is social media ready. You can flaunt your Instagram profile on the home page. The theme also has built-in options to integrate Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and other major social platforms. Fashion Diva comes with 20 custom widgets that help you increase the functionality of the website all by yourself without writing a single line of code. Furthermore, the theme is fully compatible with the WooCommerce plugin -- you can create your online shop with the theme. Also, the theme is cross-browser compatible, translation ready and supports RTL scripts. If you run into any problem or need guidance, Fashion Diva is backed with extensive documentation along with the quick and friendly support team. Check demo:, read documentation:, and get support: